National Leadership Representative
Brief info

Greg is a Petoskey resident and graduate of Western Michigan University with BA and MA degrees in Anthropology and has worked for 30 years as a cultural resource management archaeologist affiliated with the University of Illinois. Greg is currently representing Michigan Trout Unlimited on the TU National Leadership Council and is Chair of the NLC Great Lakes Workgroup which is focused on implementing the TU strategic plan through conservation, advocacy, and educational efforts. He also represents Michigan TU on the Pigeon River Country Advisory Council and has previously served as Michigan TU Chair and Vice Chair, President of the Miller-Van Winkle Chapter, and is a current Miller-Van Winkle Board member. He was recently elected as a board member for the Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council. An avid angler and outdoor enthusiast, Greg is committed to working with Michigan TU staff and board to continue our longstanding efforts at preserving and enhancing our tremendous and irreplaceable coldwater aquatic habitats.

444 Beech Street, Petoskey, MI 49770
Phone: (231) 409-3345