Interbasin Transfer of Water: Michigan Trout Unlimited is opposed to the bulk transport of water from the Great Lakes Basin to locations outside the basin. Michigan TU opposes any withdrawal or diversion of ground or surface water that will adversely impact the flow or temperature regime of any coldwater lake or stream in Michigan.
Water Withdrawal: Michigan Trout Unlimited supports the ongoing review and modification of Michigan’s statutory regime for the regulation of water withdrawals to insure the continued protection and improvement of coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
- Large-Quantity Water Withdrawals & Coldwater Fisheries in Michigan: identifying probable impacts for targeted conservation improvements
- Water Resource Advisory Committee
- Water Withdrawal Assessment Tool
- Groundwater Conservation Advisory Council Report
- Presentation on the water withdrawal assessment tool
- DEQ Withdrawal Summary
- Science Panel Report
- Extreme Supremes nullify flagship environmental law
- The Great Lakes Compact
- Alliance for the Great Lakes
Michigan's Water Withdrawal Assessment Process
Michigan’s Water Withdrawal Assessment Process and Using the WWA Tool for Planning and Watershed Management by David P. Lusch, PHD and Michigan State University. This is a series of 8 separate presentations.
- Great Lakes Compact
- Michigan Water Laws
- Hydrology Tutorial
- Water Withdrawal Assessment Science
- Adverse resource impact criteria
- Overview of groundwater & surface water Resources by Section
- Assessment Tool
- WWAT for Sustainable Development